IFBB Bikini Pro Justine Munro: When the body talks… you better listen.

Canadian Blonde Bikini Bombshell, Justine Munro checks in again. She’s been battling a cold during her Arnold prep and has some advice for others.

When the body talks -  you better listen.

Houston, we got a problem… I can’t eat! When do I ever not want to eat?

As my Arnold prep was taking its course, I suddenly came to a stop! Staying in shape, eating smart, working out, working my routine has always proven itself to be the best way to stay healthy… as I haven’t been sick for the longest time, except for this past week!

I couldn’t do anything, nor could I speak. (now that’s a problem!) A combination of cold and flu has turned my life upside down. I never realized how much I enjoy my routine of going to the gym, eating regularly and sleeping well…until now. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend and then believe it or not, you start questioning yourself about all your priorities and life in general. I miss putting on my fanny pack on and going to the gym. I miss eating on schedule and the right foods, but when the body talks, you better listen.

Rest! Sleep! Drink lots of fluids until your body says, okay, it’s time to get back to work.

Well on my way back to recovery. Back at the gym….I won’t give up that easy!

Let me leave you with this,

“When your mind, body and spirit are balanced and healthy, you find happiness.” 🙂

Did she say fanny pack? Yup, you read it right. Justine is back on track and rock’n but reminds us all that sometimes you need to put the ego aside and listen to your body. Become a fan of Justine on her Facebook page and give her Hardbody hello.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.