Ali’s Arnold Blog: Never Give Up

IFBB Figure Pro Ali Rosen shares her story about competing and how she’s gotten to the place she is today. Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, relax and enjoy the Bikini Pro’s latest blog en route to the Arnold.

I started competing back in November 2009 and can remember every step along the way. I always believed in myself and kept setting goals ever since I stepped on my very first NPC stage in Palm Beach Gardens, FL. After my first show, I realized that my love for health and fitness transformed into my passion. I decided to challenge myself and entered the NPC Nationals just 7 days later and boy did I have a lot to learn! From tanning, to training, to dieting there was a lot to learn. Most importantly I learned how to mentally compete with myself and not other competitors.

After Nationals I sought out help from the best in the industry, Team Bombshell. I loved the way the girls carried themselves, placed in the shows and always seemed genuinely happy with their experience. Once joining the team, I had one goal in mind: Earn my pro card. Little did I know that I would also gain so much more: Inner mental strength, balance, focus, great friends and a great support system with Team Bombshell. My first show with Bombshell was NPC Junior Nationals. With two months of rigorous training and getting accustomed to a new dieting regimen, I was excited to hit the stage looking like a whole new me. I had to transform my already structured healthy lifestyle into a competitive personal journey. It wasn’t until this show that I realized how crucial it was to enjoy your journey. My two shows prior I was so wrapped up in having the perfect physique that I lost track of all the other amazing lessons along the way. I made it my mission for my final week of prep to capture every moment and make sure it was FUN. I remember saying to myself, “You put the work in, you ate all your food, and you trained your hardest, now it is time to enjoy yourself.” There was nothing I could do to drastically change in my last week, I needed to maintain and enjoy my journey.

Placing second at Junior Nationals ignited the fire! I was just one point away from first place and the opportunity to earn my pro card. I took note of what I could improve on in my physique and I paid particular attention to perfecting my stage presence. For the next 3 weeks I trained with determination to improve each day. Coming into NPC Team Universe I felt good, not great. I wish I had more time but I knew I did all I could have done to look my best for that show. NPC Team Universe taught me how I needed to control my backstage and pre-contest stressors. It introduced the truth behind being a champion: Mental Strength. There were so many things I let get to me that allowed my mind to take control over my body (in a negative way). That Sunday I remember waking up after only 3 hours of sleep, putting on a full velour sweat suit (it was early July), and decided to run the 5 story parking garage 2 times! If you know me, I am not a runner and hate running! But something snapped and told me to JUST DO IT. During my run I let out every feeling and emotion: Anger, sadness, frustration, hope etc. I found my mental game and the key to being a true champion.

I had exactly 27 days until my next shot at a pro-card and I entered into the NPC USA Championships. I was determined, focused and ready to take it home. Everyday I trained I turned up the heat. The flames continued to grow as I stepped off the plane in Vegas and lit up the stage for pre-judging. Wining my professional status, signing with FMG and feeling on top of the world was the confirmation that I was on the right track.

I was ready for my next challenge: My Pro Debut. Heading into IFBB Jacksonville, I had no pressure. I was the new girl and didn’t have a place established within the IFBB. That all changed after I won my pro debut. I was shocked. I was still celebrating my pro card win and couldn’t even fathom that I won a pro contest! I decided to keep the momentum going and I entered the Europa Dallas Supershow the following week. I wanted to see how I would place with different judges and different competitors. I needed to see what improvements were needed to hit the Olympia stage with confidence. My second place win in Dallas was just what I needed to regroup and hit the drawing table for the first ever Bikini Olympia.

As I approached Olympia, I had to ignore what was being talked about, who was going to win etc. I had to focus on me. At this point I was mentally exhausted. I had an amazing season with non-stop traveling and competing, but it took a toll. I had to find a way to regain momentum and keep pushing for my last 5 weeks. I would sit and look up pictures from June and get re-motivated seeing that my body kept changing and that I haven’t reached my potential. Seeing those old pictures made me realize I was going to step onto that stage the best ME to date! Realizing that I was going to bring my best package, coupled with the honor of being the first group of 24 women to grace the Bikini Olympia stage, got my mental ball rolling. My experience at Olympia was great. There were so many moments that I experienced and will forever cherish. My main goal was to live in the moment during this history-making weekend. I learned how to control more show related stress and realized how I still have yet to reach my physical potential.

Approaching 5 weeks from the Bikini International, I feel like I have grown into a healthy, mature competitor. I truly feel like a new me. Without competing I do not think I would have come to learn so many important life lessons in a short duration of time. I always believed in myself and trumped negativity with positive affirmations!

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I leave you with this: “Thoughts become things.”

Train Hard & Stay Positive!


Learn more about Ali on her Facebook Fan page and follow her on Twitter @ALISONPROSEN.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.