Nicole Duncan’s Arnold Confessions III

Nicole Duncan is just under 5 weeks from hitting the Fitness International stage. She reminds us all that if you want to be a champ you have to act like one.

In order to be a champion, at some point you have to suck it up and act like a champion. Competing is hard and we all have some crappy jobs that we have to put in long hours, motherly duties and physical ailments that nag us during our dieting and training prep. What separates the ‘pros’ from the ‘joes’ is not the fact that we are perfect on our diets or that we don’t miss a workout. What separates us as champions is the fact that we get up every morning no matter what did or did not happen the day before and suck it up. So this morning at 4:30 am I had to look myself is the mirror and say “Quit your whining Nicole. Suck it up and let’s go!” This morning with less than 5 weeks to go, it’s time to put my big girl panties on and let the party begin. Hoorah!


Follow Nicole on her twitter @fitnicinc.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.