Ass Cam Video Goes Viral

Two New Zealand hardbody women have accomplished what many companies spend millions trying to achieve. Jessie Gurunathan and Reanin Johannink, of Auckland, created a video that has gone viral. Meaning, millions of people are sharing the link and talking about the video. What’s the big idea? It’s so simple, it’s brilliant. A hidden camera in the seat of a pair of jeans. So far over 7 million people have viewed the video and it have over 5 million in the first 6 days.

The video starts with Reanin asking, “Hey guys, have you ever wondered what goes on behind your back?”  They have the answer. A camera hidden in the jeans to bust people checking out the booty.

I reached out to one of the ladies to find out more. When I asked Jessie what made them do the video. She said, “Reanin is one of my best friends. It was a fun way for us to do something together in LA where she was based at the time.”

Here’s a look at the “Behind-The-Scenes” video of how it was made.

I’ll give them props they pulled the video off with flying colors. But wait…

If something appears too good to be true, it often is, right? It seems this video was actually orchestrated by ad agency, Colenso BBDO Auckland. The video is actually part of a Levi’s Curve ID Skinny Jeans campaign. Levi’s did what most companies would never dream of doing. They left their logo off and there was no mention of Levi’s anywhere in the spot.

“Anyway, Levi’s tells us it’s the fastest, most successful viral campaign Levi’s has ever done, and it’s only just started, so we’re pretty chuffed.” That’s what Colenso BBDO, Auckland executive creative director Nick Worthington shared with earlier this week.

Does knowing that the video was actually created by an ad campaign change anything? It may have been a little clue that there was more to it, given that both women are gorgeous and have sexy accents. Props to everyone involved with the video. Regardless of if it’s a marketing piece for Levi’s or not, I dig it.

You can follow the ladies on twitter to see what they are up to next…

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.