Nicole Wilkins: Figure International Mindset

The reigning Figure International champ, Nicole Wilkins provides her final update before her title defense. She talks about her mindset and how it’s changed leading into this event.


Four days left. After nine years and over 20 contests, I consider this year’s Figure International the most important competition of my career. It’s one thing to win the title, it’s another to keep it. It’s funny, if you told me when I started competing that I would someday finish second at the most prestigious contest in the world, I would have been ecstatic. But your mindset changes when you win, and not keeping the Figure Olympia title was the toughest loss of my career. I know I don’t want to feel that way again, so I’m doing everything in my power to be the best I’ve ever been in Columbus.

The final two weeks are all about the final preparations – hair, wax, nails, cooking and measuring food, packing etc. I am getting really anxious, excited and of course a little nervous. I have been really enjoying my preparation for this show. I’ve been having a lot of fun with my training, spending time with great friends and family, resting more than ever in my life and just really listening to my body.

I will train Monday- Wednesday morning this week, drive in to Columbus on Wednesday night and then rest Thursday before the competition on Friday morning. I love being able to drive to this contest – I can just throw everything in the back of my car and don’t have to worry about anyone telling me I have too many bags, or my bag is over 50 pounds!

My knees are good considering I have been doing a TON of incline sprints and my back is healthy thanks to bi weekly massages and weekly chiro appointments. My suit is beautiful (thank you Maggie) and I have been practicing my posing daily. No matter what, I know that I put in 110% into this prep and I am ready to show it off!

Last week I held my annual seminar for NPC fitness, figure and bikini competitors. There was a great turnout- 29 girls trucked it through the snow storm to make it 🙂 I am so inspired by you women (and men of course) who juggle family, full time jobs, and still make time to eat healthy, cook and train regularly. It all starts with the mind- you have to really WANT it. You have to make the time. You can’t let excuses allow you to keep from reaching your goals. It isn’t easy, in fact, getting and staying in shape is one of the things in this life that has no shortcut.

It takes consistency, determination and belief in yourself that you CAN and WILL do this, whether you’re trying to lose 10 pounds to look good in a bikini , get in shape for your first contest or (hopefully) defend the Figure International title. Being around positive people is so contagious!

Over the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) stop by the MetRX booth and say hi!!

I wish all Arnold competitors my absolute best! Safe travels!

See you soon!


Check out Nicole’s Facebook Fan Page page and twitter @NicoleMWilkins. Visit to learn more about the defending champ.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.