Tina Durkin’s Long Road to the Arnold 2011

IFBB Fitness Pro, Tina Durkin shares what the last few months have been like for her as she prepares for the Fitness International. Tina’s husband was deployed and she faced a few challenges along the way.



The Long Road to the Arnold 2011
By Tina Durkin

Last May when my husband told me he was being deployed to Afghanistan I just about lost it. We have been together almost 13 years and he had never gone overseas. I thought I was going to be sick. Not only the fact that my husband was going to a war zone, but the fact was I was going to be ALONE.  Some might say that a strong woman (like myself 😉 ) shouldn’t have any problems holding down the fort for awhile while the hubby is gone.  But, to be honest, my husband Matt is a angel. When they say that family is suppose to be a team and be there for each other, we really take that to heart! He has ALWAYS helped me prepare my meals, pack my lunches, help with laundry, and most of all take care of my little girl Evelyn.  Bottom line is that he makes my life easier.

So as you can imagine my life drastically changed in June. I had to take on many roles in my house:

1. Mom
2. Dad
3. IFBB Pro Fitness Athlete
4. PT at Golds
5. Fitness Instructor at WSC
6. Zumba Instructor at Fitness First
7. Carpool Mom
8. Taxi for my daughter

It truly seemed to never end.  You never realize how much your partner helps until you have to do it all yourself.  I would often drive over 100 miles a day and had many 12 hour days with at least 4 of those in the car (I live in DC).

Before he left, he stressed that he wanted me to keep my normal life as much as possible, meaning that I should still focus on competing and working.  I truly thought that was the right decision too.  So I decided to compete basically the whole time he was gone, to keep my mind occupied.  Although the Olympia prep was overwhelming, I made it thought! After that, Ft. Lauderdale was a little easier.  So now it brings me to the Arnold!!!

The week of the Ft. Lauderdale Pro, I was lifting shoulders (never miss a shoulder workout 😉 ) and the next day I could barely lift my arm over my head. I took Advil to get though the pain for the show but after I returned home it just got worse.  I made an appointment with the Sports Medicine clinic on base and they said I had “tendinitis” and gave me a cortisone shot and referred me to physical therapy.  They also suggested I stay off lifting for 2-3 weeks. Mind you, we are in the middle of December by this time. When I went to the PT, even after the 3 weeks, he said NO lifting.  Hmmmmm…. didn’t like that answer so in January I decided I would start seeing my chiropractor that specializes in ART (Active Release Tech).

Because of that injury, I basically didn’t lift (at all) for about 6 weeks. I did the normal light cardio but nothing crazy.  So 9 weeks from the Arnold, I started my diet and working out again.  That shoulder just didn’t want to heal.  I was going to the Chiropractor 1-2 times a weeks and I just couldn’t pick up more than 5 bls over my head. I was a disaster.  I remember going to Mike’s (Davies) to train one weekend and he was like “what the h*** happened with your a**”….not really what you want to hear from your trainer.

I really felt that my workouts were not at the intensity that they need to be to get ready for a show.  I wasn’t seeing many results and I really started to doubt myself.  I actually waited until the last possible minute to send in my contract just in case my shoulder did not heal.

After starting to feel better, my chiropractor thought I could trying lifting normal again. So of course, I pick up my weights and did a killer workout the next day. OHHHHH, it felt good. Unfortunately, the next day, I couldn’t move my arm AGAIN… UGHHHHHH.  I went back to the chirpactor that week, and he said that maybe my body just needed a break.  Knowing that I’m an athlete, he knew that really wasn’t an option for me. But I put my head down and said “maybe your right….I’m not sure I can do this anymore”. I just wondered if I needed to make the decision to pull out… at what point? It was the last week in January, so I told him I’d give it until the end of the week, if he couldn’t fix me, I’d take a break. I guess the lord heard my prayers because be the end of the week the pain had gotten less and less.  Now, I was not pain free but good enough to move forward. Finally things were looking up.

Now it’s Feb 1ish,my hubby is SUPPOSE to be coming home, and to be honest, I have not stressed ONE time about the Arnold. Even during the whole shoulder issue. All I cared about is Matt coming home. I’s like all my emotions where tied up in the home coming of my BEST FRIEND.  Nothing else mattered. He finally told me that he was coming home Feb 6. Oh thank god!  Feb 6 came and went. The flights where just not coming, I had to wait another week.  My heart sank.

Finally Feb 13th, a flight from Germany to BWI landed at about 3:30pm.  At that point, nothing else matter. He was home! It was like a weight was lifted from my shouldered. I can honestly say I’ve never been happier.

During this journey, I’ve realized that family is the most important thing you will ever have. None of my success would be possible without the help of my family. Getting ready for a show is never a one man show though. There is always an entourage of people that contribute, like my trainer (Mike Davies), my gymnastics coach at Youth Sports, my choreographer and friend (IFBB Pro Nicole Duncan), my suit maker (Maggie Blanchard), my music guy, the PT, the chiropractor….I mean the list could go on and on. So, in my family we do this together. Evelyn goes to routine practice with me EVERY time. Matt helps with the food prep. Then I actually do the workouts….haha

Only days away from the Arnold, I’m actually feeling great.  My body finally did whats its suppose to do, my routine game together quite nicely, and my FAMILY will be there to support me. I am so excited to share this experience with them. I love competing but I love my FAMILY more… alleluia…we are together again!!!!!

Thanks! See ya in Columbus!

Tina Durkin, CPT

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.