Hardbody At The After-Bash

We were running on fumes by the time Saturday night rolled around but we mustered up a second wind and headed to Jason Dhir’s Charity After-Bash. This year’s theme was ELEVATE and Jason held true to the party’s theme. He once again took things to a new level of madness and we were there to capture part of it. A tent had midget cage wrestlers and despite it being freezing cold, it was worth it for the entertainment. Inside there were people on stilts, painted bodies and more. It was definitely interesting.


Check out the videos below of the entertaining midget cage wrestling and the show that kicked off at 1am indoors. Photos from the after party bash are available on Bodybuilding.com. Ron Avidan’s photos are linked up here and you can see a few I snapped here.

This is comedy. Watch the worm move. Classic.

Watch some of the madness from the 1am show.

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