“Fatties take up a lot of space”

“Fatties take up a lot of space.” At least according to Sergio Miranda, a shoeshiner in Mexico City. A recent New York Times article talks about the growing stigma towards overweight people. People like Sergio are annoyed with those who are overweight but what about the people on the people who don’t have the hard body?

The article discusses the perception of fat people. Surprisingly, or not, the attitudes towards weight were mostly negative. Is obesity a global threat? Some people think so.

“The fundamental message we’re putting into the world is that fat people deserve shame for their own health,” said Ms. Kirby, co-author of the book “Lessons From the Fat-o-Sphere.” “We’ve been pushing this message for a long time. I don’t think anyone is immune to it.”

Read the article here.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.