Special Agent Blank Makes IFBB Pro Debut

One of the cool things about the fitness industry is learning about the diverse group that makes up the community. IFBB Fitness Pro Michelle Blank isn’t your average competitor. After the devastation of 911, the Jersey girl decided to do more with her accounting degree and became a Special Agent for the Internal Revenue Services (IRS). This weekend she will compete in just her third fitness show. She won her first show, turned pro at her second competition (2010 NPC JR Nationals) and will make her pro debut at the NY PRO Fitness. I caught up with Michelle days out from her debut.



Originally From: Ocean City, NJ

Still live in GA? Yes on lovely Saint Simons Island!

You have an interesting  job. Tell people what that is. I’m a Special Agent for IRS – Criminal Investigation. Currently I’m assigned to our National Criminal Investigation Training Academy as an Use of Force Instructor & the National Physical Fitness Coordinator for our agency.

I am actually teaching an advance training class to our field Defensive Tactics Instructors this week. So it’s very hectic at work during my final prep week, but my fellow instructors are very supportive of my prep.

Do you have gun? I can’t tell you where I put my gun, but it is secured and I am a good shot!

Noted. HA!

How did you get into that as a career? I learned about the IRS-CI Special Agent position my junior year at  college when a Special Agent gave a presentation to my Accounting & Finance Society. I was unaware the IRS had criminal investigators and was intrigued by the position but at that point never considered a job in law enforcement. My senior year of college began on September 11, 2001. I remember every detail of that morning. As I was getting ready to leave for school, the first plane hit the World Trade Center. At first the news was uncertain what had occurred. As I sat there watching Charlie Gibson on Good Morning America, I saw the second plane hit. I was in complete shock. I had to leave  for class so I continued listening to news reports on my car radio. As I was driving, the third plane hit the Pentagon. Interestingly one of my first classes was Violence in America. As a result of the horrendous attacks, our professor changed our first assignment to a paper regarding the events occurring that day. It was a difficult paper to write as so many things were uncertain and the number of  fatalities continued to change. It was a life-changing day for many reasons. The following month, the same Special Agent from the previous year, spoke again at our Accounting & Finance Society. At the end of her presentation, I asked her what I needed to do to apply. After the September 11, I decided I wanted to do more with my accounting degree than working in an office doing tax returns or putting together financial reports. I wanted to make a difference in some way. I felt that the position of an IRS Special Agent would give me an opportunity to serve my country and use my accounting skills. I applied for the job in October 2001 and finally became a Special Agent in 2004. In November 2009, I was assigned to our training academy to train our new agents as well instruct current agents in advancing training for defensive tactics and became our  agency’s National Physical Fitness Coordinator.

Are your co-workers supportive of your fitness endeavors? Work is very supportive. My passion for fitness is what led me to being assigned to our training academy. When the agency was fulfilling the position, they were looking for someone that not only had the ability to instruct defensive tactics but was supportive and enthusiastic about our fitness program. The agency felt I would be an excellent role model not only for our new students especially the female students, but also for our incumbent agents required to maintain fitness standards. They were very excited to hear about my win at Jr. Nationals and wrote about it in our CiBulletin that goes out to our agents on a weekly basis.

Any tips for those who work a full time job and struggling to eat healthy? Prep, prep, prep. I try to prep everything before I go to bed for the next day including my breakfast. I try to limit cooking to only twice a week and then it’s just a matter of putting the meals together each night. I have great support at work. My coworkers are supportive of my goal and have become use to my constant eating. I also have found which restaurants near work have items I can eat on my diet. This way I can on occasion go out to lunch. I just usually suggest where to go. We often have agents from around the country visiting the training center for various trainings or meetings. Usually the only time you may have time to catch up with them is during lunch.

What’s your athletic background – dance, gymnastics, sheep herding? I started dance with I was 4 years old. I mainly did jazz and  acrobatics. I was almost 11 by the time I started gymnastics. From 11 to 17 my life was gymnastics and I was hoping to go compete in college. When I was 16 I made it to level 9, but then I got a stress fracture in my lower back. I tried to compete the following year, but was still in a lot of pain. I decided to retire from gymnastics at that time. However, 9 years later, I found myself  back in gymnastics. I had started attending open workouts near a gymnastics gym near my house in Pennsylvania. The adult class was going to compete in the State Games for Pennsylvania and asked me to join them. I thought they were crazy since I had only been tumbling and had not touched the other events. In the end they convinced me and we had a great time. After that competition, we developed an adult gymnastics team and started competing in more competitions. The first year for our team, I competed at Regionals in the 15 and up age group and took second.

You are a woman who puts on muscle easily (or so I’m told). How do you train to prevent from getting “too big”? I only do strength training 3 days a week and do 3-4 sets of lighter weight with higher volume. I also take a month here and there off of lifting completely and only work strength moves for my fitness routine.For the month of December, my workouts consisted of light cardio and yoga. I did yoga everyday for a month.

What would bean example of your workout split?
My workouts are usually split as follows:

The other days I work my routine.

What’s your diet look like?
My diet usually consists of 5 meals and a post workout protein shake My diet has gone through 3 stages since January. Consisting of egg whites, tuna, chicken, tilapia, and flank steak. In the beginning it was a mix of all of those.

Then we took out the flank steak and added more Tilapia. I was getting too lean so we added more sweet potatoes and eventually removed all Tilapia and replaced with Flank steak for 2 meals.

Many people might not know but you’ve only done two shows and you’ve won both. Do you think that will help or hurt you going into this show? I’m not sure. I could find reasons for both. Such as nobody really knows who I am since I haven’t been on the scene that long. On the other hand, I think it shows my dedication to the sport and determination. When I set my mind on a goal, I don’t let anything stop me from reaching that goal. I have hit some roadblocks along the way, but adjusted and continued moving forward. One reason I didn’t jump right into a pro competition after I won JR Nationals in June was I wanted to take the time to make improvements the judges suggested and to become more familiar with the sport. Over the past 9 months, I attended several competitions to support my fellow fitness competitors and went to the Olympia and Arnold. I had the opportunity to meet so many great people and have gained many quality friendships. My extended support group has helped me so much in my preparation for my debut.

Did you change anything up with your diet or training this time around? Yes. This time I’m still lifting going into the competition. The last 2 times, the only strength training I did was my routine for the few months leading to the competitions. I’m coming in with more muscle size which has changed my diet as well. My metabolism is much faster this go around and has resulted in my coach keeping a close eye on my leanness and adjusting my diet accordingly.

You train with IFBB Fitness Pro Tracey Greenwood. How did you start working with her? My gymnastics coach Tina Cole asked me if I had ever considered doing bodybuilding and I said at one time I was interested in Fitness. My coach told me about Tracey and gave me her contact  information. I met Tracey and began working with her in January 2009. I was due to compete in June 2009, but broke my foot which pushed back my first competition to October 2009. I would have been lost without Tracey. I was oblivious to all the preparation that goes into Fitness competitions. Tracey helped me select my music, told me who to contact regarding my costume and swimsuits, provided me with all my diets, helped me with my posing, and not to mention all the things you need to prep for the day of competition. For me the routine was the easy part – everything else, clueless. Tracey,  Tina and I put together my routine in 2 hours. I love working with  Tracey. It was so comforting to have Tracey there at Jr Nationals. When she told me I did great, I knew I had done well. She’s up front and doesn’t sugar coat how she thinks you look or do. When she gives me compliments I know she means it and she’s not just trying to boost my confidence.

How long have you been dieting for the show? 12 weeks

Do you feel confident or scared sh*tless? Both! In the end, it’s all on me which keeps me confident. I am my biggest critic. I’m always striving for perfection, knowing there is always room for improvement.

What separates you from others in the fitness division? That’s hard to say. There are so many dedicated woman in the fitness division. I love to compete not only for myself but the opportunity to inspire others. My goal is not to just inspire others to be more physically fit, but to be a more fit person (mind, body and spirit) by living a more positive life with purpose and self accountability. Only you can make the most of your life and only you can stop yourself from reaching goals. Things do not always go as we plan, adjustments will have to take place, but with the right attitude and focus success will come. It’s not an easy road, but how boring life would be without challenges.

What’s on your “first supper” list to eat at after the show? Since we’ll be in NY, a piece of authentic NY Cheesecake.

Any hidden talents people might not know about? I’m a great navigator; I never get lost.

Always helpful when out hunting rabbits.

Any bad habits or random things… IE you sleep with a gun? I love sweets! My cheat meals usually involve ice cream, most likely a warm brownie sundae. Even throughout my JR Nationals diet, I had one Hershey miniature Special Dark Chococate with almond almost every night. I love most professional sports, but mainly the Philadelphia Flyers, Eagles, and Phillies. If I’m watching TV it’s mostly sports related and even though I’m in Georgia now, every morning I listen to the Sports Radio show from Philly, 610 WIP. BTW you can have Michael Vick back!

What’s been the cheesiest line a dude has used? Just last week I had a few. One guy just kept saying “damn” as I walked by. Another guy started with “do you have a husband” followed by “where do you work out, that’s where I’m going”.

I haven’t heard that last one before. Sounds like he was being flattering. No? ok.

What’s the best advice you’ve received in life? Any words of wisdom you try to live by? My mom-mom gave me a plaque years ago that said “I believe in you because you believe in me” It has stuck with me over the years to not only believe in myself, but to believe in others as well. Though we control a great deal of what happens in our lives we are affected by those around us. It’s how we let those people affect our lives that molds who we are and how we live.

Where can people find out more info about you? My website ApprimeFit.Com. Apprime is latin for “above all” so my credo is “Fitness Above All” referring to not just your physical fitness but your mind, body and spirit.

Thanks Michelle all the best in your debut! See more of  Michelle’s competition photos on Bodybuilding.com.

For More info on the show:
Tribecca Performing Arts Center
199 Chambers Street
New York, NY

Phone: (516)933-1111
Email: steve@bevfrancis.com or bev@bevfrancis.com


Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.