Michelle Wood-Seng on ABC’s Take The Money & RUn

NPC Bikini Competitor Michelle Wood-Seng recently competed at the NPC Masters Nationals where she finished 4th in her class. One of the coolest parts of the competitions, at least to me, are the stories behind the competitors and what they do away from the stage. Michelle is a perfect example of how she rocks a hardbody off stage as much as she does on. Michelle is a homicide detective in Chicago and earlier this week was featured on the new ABC show, Take The Money & Run.


The premise of the show is real detectives try to find a case of money that civilians have hidden. They have 48 hours to find the case. If they find it they get 100k and if they don’t then the civilians get to keep the money. It’s an “Amazing Race” type of show and this was the first I had watched it. I found myself cracking up at the domestic partners who were featured as one of the guys broke down into tears. I won’t ruin how the show went but let’s say you don’t want to mess with a Hardbody Detective. You can watch the entire episode on ABC’s web site. Look for the “Who’s playing Whom?” episode.

If you doubt Michelle’s “real world” experience away from the tv check out this story. Michelle and her partner solved a huge murder and it received a ton of press in the Chicago area. This is pretty impressive given that Michelle was dieting for a competition throughout the case. She’s part of the Team Bombshell Bikini team and credits having a plan to keeping her on her diet throughout the madness.

Props Michelle! You’re definitely A HARDBODY!

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