Figure Champ Nicole Wilkins Update & Answers Fan Questions

Nicole Wilkins is one week out from making a run at the Figure Olympia title in Las Vegas. This weekend she will compete at the IFBB Tournament of Champions as a warm up before the big show. She took time out of her crazy schedule to answer your questions and provide an update on what’s shaken in her world.


Hey Hardbodies!! I’m once again on a plane off to California! This is when I get a lot of work done because I am forced to sit my A.D.D. butt in the seat for 4hrs.
On Friday I will be competing in Jon Lindsay’s IFBB Tournament of Champions in Culver City and 8 days from now I will be on stage competing at the Figure Olympia. So far so good! Igot my suit yesterday (thank you so much Maggie and I also got new 5 inch clear stripper heels for the stage 😉 I had been wearing the same pair for the last 7 years so I decided I needed to invest in some new ones. When I put them on, HOLY COW did they feel sooo much better! I should have done it a while ago.

Prep has been a smooth ride. Little bumpy in the beginning which is why I always start a bit earlier, but I feel very good with where I am at now. Whatever happens these next few weeks, all I know is I can leave the stage knowing I trained with heart every workout and gave it everything I had. I want to give a special thank you to my girls at the gym, my clients, my family, of course Kim Oddo, and everyone who has written me emails or posted on my facebook wall. You guys mean so much and I hope to make you proud.

Here are a few questions you have asked me in the last few weeks:

Do you have any tips on airline travel with food? I need to pack for just 5 days.
I will cook a ton of chicken and fish the day before, measure 4-5 oz servings, put them in zip lock sandwich baggies and then freeze it. I also pack protein powders and oats in baggies so I don’t have to worry about measuring everything out when I get there. My fat sources tend to be almonds and avocados (since nut butters are not allowed through security), and my other carb sources are rice cakes. I also may bake a bunch of sweet potato chips and put them in baggies too and freeze. Veggies I will usually just get those when I arrive. When I get to the hotel, I always request a refrigerator to put my food in. If you’re worried about not getting a fridge, bring extra gallon sized ziplock bags. Fill them with ice from the machine at the hotel and put them in your cooler to keep your food cold. A cooler is obviously a must! I absolutely LOVE 6-pack bag coolers. Check them out ( and if you decide to get one, enter the code: nicolew to receive a 10% discount.

I am almost 5 weeks into my pre-contest diet and I am having a lot of trouble sleeping.
Are you watching TV late or on the computer? If your mind is occupied by the television it will keep you awake longer. Try taking melatonin or drinking camomile tea before bed. If your mind won’t shut off, try writing it down. I often keep a note pad by my bed if I keep thinking of my next days ‘to-do’ list. Do not drink any caffeine or take any fat burners after about 4pm so that it is out of your system before rest. If you are working out late at night, this may also effect your sleeping patterns. For some, exercise creates more energy which makes it hard to sleep. Try to stay stress free, listen to slow music, and stretch a little bit before laying down.

Have you ever tried Veet or Nair type product before a show for hair removal? How close to the show if so?
No I haven’t. I would be careful with Veet and Nair only because it could change the chemical balance of your skin. The last thing you need is a green skin tone from using a different product. I usually get waxed about 1-2 weeks before the competition. This way it allows enough time for my skin to fully heal and I don’t have to worry about stubble since after the first coat of JanTana you cannot shower it off until the next night after finals are over.

Should I do cardio before weight training or weight training before cardio?

I recommend weight training before cardio or splitting it up into separate sessions. You are strongest with the most energy at the start of your workout so it is best to use that strength on the weights. Afterwards, your glycogen stores are depleted so when you begin cardio you are already in the fat burning zone. If you have no energy after weights and routinely skip cardio, then I would recommend doing cardio in the morning and weight training later after you have had a few meals in your body.

Can you emphasize to new competitors and your fans the importance of regaining weight after your competition season and explain why. I’ve seen many girls begin a very destructive path trying to maintain competition shape and others that struggle to explain why they look so “normal” several weeks at the end of a season.

It is normal for competitors to have between a 7-15 pound weight gain in the off-season which is still leaner than the average American considering most competitors bodyfat is around 9-10% on stage. This weight gain is important for bodies to function normally and to live with a bit more balance. Some who have fast metabolisms can keep it close to 3-7 pounds and are fine and happy. Each individual is different. It becomes a problem when you are obsessed with it and constantly live in fear of gaining weight and get depressed when you have a cheat meal. It also becomes a problem if you gain over 30 pounds each off-season. It reeks havoc on your metabolism having to deal with weight gain and loss repetitively year after year. Remember that your weight will fluctuate on a daily basis. Add more veggies, sodium, eat later or have a hard workout and your weight may go up a couple pounds the next day. BIG DEAL! No one can tell but you! All year round-keep meals 2-3 hours, watch portions, lean proteins at every meal with natural fats and carbs. Have occasional cheats and DO NOT binge. It takes time to learn the difference between in-season and off-season which is why it is so important to be prepared and have a good support system. Remember, to get lean, cheat meals were not a daily part of the program, so to stay lean they can’t be part of the daily program 🙂 Live and learn; it is process and a journey and most of all have fun!

Please be sure to check out my facebook page at and let me know of any questions you would like me to answer in future hardbody blogs. Wishing you all my best. Until next time…

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.