IFBB Bikini Pro Nathalia Melo: Am I E.T.?

IFBB Bikini Pro Nathalia Melo last stepped on stage at the Orlando Pro where she left with the overall crown. She’s back and ready for her second Bikini Olympia. The Brazilian Bombshell checks in and as always she has some entertaining thoughts to share. Check out her latest top ten list, you’ll be sure to get a laugh or three.

Am I an E.T.????

I remember when I first decided to compete, and went to my first Team Bombshell Camp. All these SUPER fit girls eating out of zip lock bags, and carrying these quite over-sized water containers; which, later I came to find out were jugs (HELLO JUG NATION!!!). I thought to myself…‘’What the hell is going on around here???’’ Well… a couple years have passed, a few competitions under the belt… and now I am eating out of zip lock bags, and YES I am a proud member of Jug Nation. So, today there are a few things that make me wonder whether I am completely out of my mind, or just a bit, hmmmm… OFF when compared to the normal population.

Here is a list of 10 things which makes me wonder if I am from the same planet as all of my “normal” friends are:
1. Thinking that going to the gym twice a day is not only normal, but absolutely necessary at times.
2. Being proud of my sneaker collection and knowing every new model that comes out, and having no idea who in Earth Christian Louboutin is!
3. Drinking water out a jug (glasses are overrated!)
4. Finding a new flavor of Mrs. Dash can put a smile on my face.
5. Counting down every second to 3PM, because that means it is time to eat!
6. To feel insulted if someone asks to have “a bite” of my food. hmm… NO!
7. Thinking that fork and knife are not so necessary when I have my hands.
8. To have as one of my main concerns when traveling if the hotel room has a mini fridge or not.
9. Spending the same amount of money on this fancy imported fish as I spend on my car payment every month.
10. To think that plain romaine lettuce makes a great snack because it is crunchy and sweet.

So.. if you are a Hardbody and also think you are from “another planet”, go to my Facebook page to tell me what makes you an “E.T.” just like me! =)

See you in Vegas!

LOL! Ah you gotta love Nathalia.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.