Georgia Childhood Obesity Ads Drawing Attention & Controversy ran a story today that brought light to an ad campaign currently running in Georgia. The ads have been around for a few months however with the new year upon us, weight and losing weight is a hot topic. The ads draw attention to childhood obesity by hitting the topic head on, however some feel it’s not the right approach.

The web site says, “Ignoring this problem is what got us here. It’s time to wake up.” Many people feel parents aren’t being proactive with their children when it comes to diet and exercise. The campaign wants to draw attention to the fact that Georgia has the second highest rate of childhood obesity in the country. Their main point is that kids are suffering from diseases that were once only plaguing adults.

This young girl says she doesn’t like going to school because other kids pick on her and it hurts her feelings. It’s followed by text that says, “Being fat takes the fun our of being a kid.”

The article shared:

“Blaming the victim rarely helps,” said Dr. Miriam Labbok, director of the Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “These children know they are fat and that they are ostracized already.”

Some public health experts fear Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta’s Strong4Life campaign is too blunt to cultivate action. Still, the group is standing by its decision to feature the ads to raise awareness about childhood obesity.

Another ad shows a mother claiming ignorance and that she “thought she was thick like her momma” when referring to her daughter’s weight.

Perhaps the most powerful spot is when a mother is faced with the question of “Mom, why am I fat?” As a parent what do you say to that, especially when you the parent is overweight as well?

What do you think about these ads? Some may love them and others may hate them but at the end of the day if it gets people talking about the topic, isn’t that a step in the right direction?


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Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.