Extra Exposure for NPC National Bikini Winners

The 2012 NPC Nationals are quickly approaching. This year’s event will be held in Atlanta, Georgia. The Bikini division continues to grow every year and this year has been no different. Many of the bikini competitors are having success not only on the stage but also away from it in a variety of ways. This year’s NPC Bikini winners will have a new opportunity thanks to promoter Steve Karel and the NPC.


NPC National Media Director and promoter of the 2012 NPC Nationals, Steve Karel, has developed an avenue through his Stonecutter Media Ltd. arm, to further expose the Bikini Division and its Nationals class winners to the general public. Through his work in the boxing and MMA worlds, he has made arrangements for all Nationals Bikini Class Winners (6) to be eligible to appear on-camera as ring-card girls at a King of the Cage nationally televised MMA event, seen on MAV-TV-HD, and on a Star Boxing national cable broadcast such as ESPN, Showtime and NBC Sports Network. Additionally, these class winners will also potentially be interviewed on air and host a VIP event reception at these events because of their accomplishments. –

Read more on the announcement on npcnewsonline.com and visit nationalbodybuilding.com for information on the show.

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