Reminder Proof Read & Spell Check

I’m guilty of it and receive emails from people pointing out misspellings or edits I need to make on various posts all the time. We’re only human, right? Fortunately, with the web you can change things quickly and they are immediately updated. No big deal.

What can be a big deal is if you’re spending thousands of dollars to run an ad in a magazine and you have misspellings. As one visitor (Tre Scott) pointed out, he wasn’t offended by the image of the baby in the VPX ad but rather the misspelling of the word “your”. Oops!


Let this be a reminder for anyone sending out resumes, comp cards or other printed material to have someone else take a look at your work and proofread it.

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.