G’s Tip of The Week: Relax


De-stress and lose weight! Daily relaxation, meditation or journal writing can help you reach your goals! Take a few moments everyday to relax and unwind. Quality “you time” not only offers you a piece of mind but keeps your cortisol levels low. Cortisol can be the one thing keeping you from achieving your ultimate goals. Each day, take the time and give yourself a few moments just for YOU. You work hard, You deserve it!

Gina Aliotti
IFBB Figure Professional

Dianna Dahlgren’s Monday Modeling Tip

Helllloooo again everyone!!!

Make sure to have business cards and comp cards!! When a model shows up at a booking you never know who will be there! What happens if a producer is there and they are interested in your look?! You want to give them something professional with all your contact info. So make sure to have business cards and ALWAYS comp cards with 4-6 photos on it!

Thanks everyone! Have a great week!!!


Erin Stern Works on Becoming “Egylo” During her Countdown to C-bus

IFBB Figure Pro Erin Stern checks in once again with her Coundown to C-bus. Erin’s a few weeks out from her second trip to the Fitness International in Columbus.


I tell myself I probably shouldn’t be stepping on the scale – but I walk into the locker room…and there it stands, beckoning me to step on. And, like most girls, my mood can swing either way by pushing that little slider. It hasn’t budged in a few days…great. My workouts have been intense, I started super-sets to keep my heart rate up in the weight room, and the hill, track, and field workouts have kept my muscles full. I am doing one to two long duration cardio days (around 45 minutes), to give my legs a little bit of a recovery. The progress pictures and the measuring tape confirm my progress… so why am I so stuck on the number on the scale?

Thankfully, I didn’t chain myself to the treadmill (which was my first response to the number on the scale). Few things in training are a complete mystery – later that night I got out of my funk and realized that I had done legs the day before. I’ll hold a pound or two of water after a hard leg day. I think about my meals: canned tuna, egg whites…Sriracha sauce..ummm..sodium! Although I don’t have a written workout or meal plan, every day I follow my calories in vs. calories expended, make sure I’m getting enough quality sleep, and structuring my workouts to where I’m able to continue to shape the muscles and get leaner.

My posing is getting better, and I’m visualizing myself on stage – every step, every turn, the suit, hair, and the makeup. For a shy girl, I’ve heard it can be good to create a stage persona. Beyonce is “Sasha” on stage – she is glamorous, sexy, and full of attitude. I’ve been working on my “Egylo” (Eej-Lo); a nickname my sister gave to me when I dyed my hair darker and discovered eyebrow shading… she said I look like an “Egyptian Jennifer Lopez.” After much giggling over the nickname, we decided it would be the perfect stage persona. Egylo saunters in the yoga room, flashes a confident smile, and nails the poses…she’s getting good!

G’s Tip of the Week: Unique Wedding Planning


As I prepare for my upcoming wedding I wanted to share a fun and creative tip on bridal registries. Of course choosing a bridal registry should be fun and exciting but what if you really don’t need “stuff” and would rather have people contribute to your honeymoon!? I have found a fun, creative and practical way for guests to be able to contribute to your special day! Being active and wanting memorable experiences over “stuff”, you can now set up registries, such as TravelersJoy.com, where guests can contribute towards your honeymoon activities! Guests can give gifts such as parasailing, dinners, couples massages, drinks by the pool, excursions and even new luggage!

What a concept and what a perfect idea for us active ones looking to get outdoors and enjoy activities!! Thought this was a creative and fun concept and right up our alley! 🙂

Gina Aliotti
IFBB Figure Professional

Dianna Dahlgren’s Monday Model Tip

Hi everyone! I hope everyone is doing amazing!!!


Tip for this week:
People always say when you come to a photo shoot to have no makeup on whatsoever. But actually I think you should wear one light coat of mascara, it helps the lashes and the top coat of mascara stick much better.

Have a great Monday!!


Erin Stern’s Countdown to C-Bus – More Than Physical

Another week has past and IFBB Figure Pro Erin Stern shares her second part in the Countdown to C-bus.


It just isn’t enough – the extra hours in the weight room, early morning cardio, or even the weeks of dieting. It isn’t enough to win a show. Often times in figure, we talk about bringing “the total package” to a show. Going into my second year of competing, I now realize that the total package is made up of more than just the physical appearance. It is stage presence, confidence, posing the body in the most flattering way and making the presentation look comfortable and natural.

Let’s face it, we all train to win. No matter what a competitor says, she doesn’t enter a show in hopes of 10th place. But… do we all go into the show believing that we will win? Do we lie in bed at night, visualizing the trophy presentation – down to the last detail?

Last year, I couldn’t see it. I didn’t believe that I would win, or that I could win. I had no stage presence. In looking at some of the pictures, my smile is strained and I look a little frightened. Track and field prepared me for grueling workouts, taught me to love the discipline, and how to shape my body…but, it taught me nothing about strutting on the stage in heels. So, for the next month, I am working on conditioning myself mentally for the show…bringing that “total package.”

I realize that our sport is subjective, and as competitors, the final outcome is out of our hands. But when you give something 100% – with body, heart, mind, and soul – how can you lose?

G’s Tip of The Week: Return of Herb

So you eat healthy and make smart food choices but is your digestive system working efficiently?


You can eat as healthy as you want but if your stomach is not breaking down and assimilating nutrients and your intestines are not eliminating properly, you are not absorbing the nutrients you think. In this day in age with our lifestyles, our digestion can easily be compromised! Back to those good old herbs… Use herbs to aid in proper digestion so you are absorbing all the nutrients from food! Here are four that not only are delicious but will aid in the digestive process: Tumeric, Cardamom, Ginger and Citris Peel. Try experimenting with these herbs to ensure you are optimizing your healthy diet and getting the most out of foods!

Gina Aliotti
IFBB Figure Professional

Dianna’s Monday Modeling Tip

Thanks for all the positive feedback you’ve emailed regarding IFBB Bikini Pro Dianna Dahlgren’s Model Tip of the Week. Check back the beginning of each week for a different Monday Modeling Tip.


Hellllloooo everyone!!

I’m hoping everyone had a great weekend!

This week’s tip… always make sure and bring a set of lashes to your photo shoots!! I have been on shoots and the make-up artist will accidently forget to bring enough pairs!! I always make sure to bring a fresh pair in my goodie bag 😉


Countdown to C-Bus with Erin Stern

Erin Stern made a name for herself in her rookie year of the IFBB Pro League. She went being a virtual unknown when she won the 2008 NPC Figure Nationals to placing in the top 6 at the 2009 Ms. Figure Olympia. Erin ended the year with a runner-up spot at the Ft. Lauderdale Cup and now she has her sights set on Columbus. Erin’s fast-track to success is no fluke. She has a physique that was shaped over the years with hard work and a positive mindset.

Many of you wanted to hear from Erin when we took our poll last month. Well, you voted and again we listened. Erin has graciously agreed to share her journey to the 2010 Figure International in Columbus, here on Hardbody.com. Follow along as we count down to C-Bus with Erin Stern.


Five weeks remain until showtime. So many thoughts run through my head as the clock ticks…training splits, meals, progress pictures… this time last year I was six pounds heavier. I listened to everyone’s opinions but my own – I needed more mass to compete on the Pro stage. I shunned the track workouts in favor of cardio on the treadmill and elliptical. I tossed aside my bounding, plyometrics and stadiums. I trained like a bodybuilder…and I was beefy. I had transformed, alright.. into a blockier version of my former self. Fast-forward one year…

Today I find myself running barefoot on a dew-covered field, twelve sprints at 80% effort. I am gassed toward the end of the workout – a long-forgotten feeling that I welcome again! With the warm-up and cool-down, I’m in and out in about 45 minutes. I’m doing a lot less “cardio” these days, though I initially found it difficult to break away from the standard one hour of morning cardio on an empty stomach routine. I think a lot of competitors, especially those of us who do their own prep, get sucked into the notion that “more is better.” The shows, it seems, are not won by the girl who trains the hardest, but by the one who trains smartest.

For the most part, I am still training like a bodybuilder in the gym, but doing less sets and my second leg day is full of hang cleans, push press, box jumps, and other plyos. With my diet, I am still learning about what works for me and what doesn’t. I listened to a competitor preach the evils of wheat and gluten, and I cut it out of my diet. It took me months to realize that I shouldn’t eat dairy, but wheat is ok for me.

As I lift arms tonight, I start to see them take the shape I visualize them taking in my mind. Right now, the girl in the mirror doesn’t quite look like the one in my mind – but five weeks is plenty of time. 🙂

G’s Tip of the Week – Meet Herb

Want to know how to spice up your foods? It’s simple…When is the last time you cooked with fresh Herbs?


I know with our busy schedules we tend to just open up the spice cabinet and shake away but try using fresh herbs.  In general, use 3 times as many fresh herbs as you would dried herbs. Using fresh herbs makes all the difference in the flavor of your meals. Be sure to rub them between your palms or fingertips to release their flavor, before throwing them in your dish!  It is amazing how substituting something so simple makes ALL the difference in the world!!

“Variety’s the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor.” – William Cowper

IFBB Pro Gina Aliotti is one of the top figure competitors in the world. She shares a weekly tip exclusively on HARDBODY.com every week. Check out more helpful information on her website, GinaAliotti.net.

Dianna Dahlgren’s Modeling Monday Tip

Welcome IFBB Bikini Pro Dianna Dahlgren as one of our HARDBODY.com contributors. Dianna is an accomplished model outside of the fitness industry and is quickly becoming one in it. Look for Dianna’s modeling tip every Monday here on Hardbody.com.


Thanks to Mr. Hinds and Hardbody.com, I will now be doing a Modeling Tip of the Week. I’m excited to share some tips that have helped me in my career. If you have any questions or would like to suggest a topic feel free to email me at diannadahlgren@me.com. Ok, so for the first tip of the week… When packing for a shoot ALWAYS make sure to pack a white, black and especially NUDE colored thongs or g-string panties. This way if for some reason, you have to wear a suit or an outfit that another girl has worn, you can feel comfortable doing so. I learned this time when I was first starting out in modeling from another awesome mode, Ms. Tailor James. Thanks and see ya next week!


Dianna will  be making her IFBB Pro debut in March at the Culver City contest and don’t be surprised if you see her in a few magazines this year.

G’s Tip of the Week: A Shoe Win

IFBB Pro Gina Aliotti brings you a her weekly tip of the week. This time G’s has some advice for your cruisers. This got me thinking when did you replace your shoes last? I think I’ve had mine a few years. OOPS.


With so many of us doing cardio on a daily basis and often more than once a day, it is important to replace your running shoes! Even if you keep your shoes clean and in tip top shape, doesn’t mean they are! Over time running shoes lose stability and shock absorption and can lead to some serious injuries!

For those that are running/walking around 25 miles per week look into replacing your shoes every three to four months.

I know we all have our favorite pair of shoes but consider rotating your shoes to make them last longer!

“In that he didn’t die at the finish line, he could have run faster” – Tim Noakes


G’s Tip of the Week – Snack on Jicama

Is late night snacking or snacking in general holding you back from achieving your fitness goals?  Try slicing up Jicama and eating it to satisfy that need to just munch or satisfy that sweet craving.   Jicama is actually a legume that is crispy and sweet.  It actually reminds me of an apple!  It is great used in salads, stir fry’s or even by itself.  It is a great source of fiber and low in calories and carbs.  With only 11 calories per oz, it is a perfect snack that will help you obtain your fitness goals!

“Look at your past. Your past has determined where you are at this moment. What you do today will determine where you are tomorrow. Are you moving forward or standing still?”
–Tom Hopkins

G’s Fitness Tip of the Week

Is obtaining those perfect Washboard Abs one of your goals for the new year? Remember, having that stomach you always dreamed of is not accomplished my doing 1000 crunches a day! There is no such thing as spot training! The only way to accomplish that “perfect” six pack is by working out on a regular basis and making it an all-encompassing lifestyle. You have to have every piece of the puzzle from a healthy diet, cardiovascular and weight training, and of course incorporate your abdominal exercises a few times a week.

My suggestion is you first concentrate on what you eat, NOT how many crunches you do in a day!! This is the most important piece of the puzzle.

Here are a few simple ways to clean up your diet:

– Drink at least three liters of water per day (100 oz)
– Eat at least 5 small frequent meals a day, preferably 6-7
– Eat TONS of green vegetables and moderate amounts of fruits per day (fruit suggested for your post workout)
– Eliminate fried foods, cheese, processed sugar and basically ANYTHING white!
– Eliminate fatty red meat – eat mostly lean red meats such as turkey breast, chicken breast, fish, egg whites, and protein powders.
– Eat your essential fats (omega, 3-6-9’s)

With a clean balanced diet, cardio and resistant training, including your abdominal exercises you have the tools, now utilize them!!
Happy New Year!!

Gina Aliotti
IFBB Figure Professional

Visit GinaAliotti.net for more tips and healthy info.

G’s Tip of the Week: Goal Setting

This week’s tip of the week from IFBB Figure Pro Gina Aliotti hits on goal setting in the new year. Check out what “G” has to say…

With the New Year right around the corner, have you started thinking about your goals for 2010? It is a good time to start thinking about your goals and what it is you want to accomplish in the New Year. Be Realistic and Be Specific when determining your goals! Write down three or four realistic goals that you can stick to. Avoid unrealistic goals that will only frustrate you.

“The reason most people never reach their goals is that they don’t define them, or ever seriously consider them as believable or achievable. Winners can tell you where they are going, what they plan to do along the way, and who will be sharing the adventure with them.”-Denis Watley

Check out Gina’s new motivational calendar available on her web site now.

G’s Tip of The Week – Enjoy The Holidays

G’s “Tip of the Week” is a a new feature we’re starting here on hardbody. IFBB Pto Gina Aliotii “G” will be providing tips on various topics for you in the weeks ahead. The first tip is appropriately penned for the Holidays. Enjoy.


Enjoy The Holidays
With the Holidays approaching and festivities full of delicious food, calorie loaded drinks and yummy treats, don’t be afraid to enjoy the holidays!  Many of us are striving to achieve our fitness goals and are threatened by the thoughts of what will be put in front of us at our holiday dinner. Will we be able to avoid the temptations?  Remember, the holiday season comes once a year! This is the time of year to celebrate family traditions and our cultural upbringing.  It is important to remember that having a bite or two of “grandma’s special recipe” isn’t going to hurt us! I am a firm believer in making smart choices and avoiding temptations but this is the time of year, I give the okay to share in those special recipes without modifications!  How can you modify “grandma’s Recipe”?  As health conscious as we are, it is important to enjoy the small things in life!  Time with our loved ones and indulging in family tradition is just as important as holding yourself accountable to your fitness program!

Enjoy your holiday season and remember Balance is Key to success!

Gina Aliotti

Visit www.ginaaliotti.net for more tips and fitness info.

“And You’re a Tool” – So, So What? I am a rockstar

Ya gotta love PINK. This woman can rock out and has some kick ass lyrics. Her newest song “So What” is pretty bad ass. The music video is below…

A sample of the lyrics from “So What”:

So, so what?
I’m still a rock star
I got my rock moves
And i don’t need you
And guess what
I’m having more fun
And now that we’re done
I’m gonna show you tonight
I’m alright, I’m just fine
And you’re a tool
So, so what?
I am a rockstar
I got my rock moves
And I don’t want you tonight

Get the song:
P!nk - So What - Single

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.