Archives for November 2013

FDA Bans Trans Fat

Manufacturers already have eliminated many trans fats, responding to criticism from the medical community and to local laws, Even so, the FDA said getting rid of the rest — the average American still eats around a gram of trans fat a day — could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year.

It won’t happen right away. The agency will collect comments for two months before determining a phase-out timetable. Different foods may have different schedules, depending how easy it is to find substitutes.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Heart-clogging trans fats were once a staple of the American diet, plentiful in baked goods, microwave popcorn and fried foods. Now, mindful of the health risks, the Food and Drug Administration is getting rid of what’s left of them for good.

Condemning artificial trans fats as a threat to public health, the FDA announced Thursday it will require the food industry to phase them out.

Manufacturers already have eliminated many trans fats, responding to criticism from the medical community and to local laws, Even so, the FDA said getting rid of the rest — the average American still eats around a gram of trans fat a day — could prevent 20,000 heart attacks and 7,000 deaths each year.

It won’t happen right away. The agency will collect comments for two months before determining a phase-out timetable. Different foods may have different schedules, depending how easy it is to find substitutes.

“We want to do it in a way that doesn’t unduly disrupt markets,” said Michael Taylor, FDA’s deputy commissioner for foods. Still, he says, the food “industry has demonstrated that it is, by and large, feasible to do.”

Indeed, so much already has changed that most people won’t notice much difference, if any, in food they get at groceries or restaurants.

Scientists say there are no health benefits to trans fats. And they can raise levels of “bad” cholesterol and lower “good” cholesterol, increasing the risk of heart disease, the leading cause of death in the United States. Trans fats are widely considered the worst kind for your heart, even worse than saturated fats, which also can contribute to heart disease.

Trans fats are used both in processed food and in restaurants, often to improve the texture, shelf life or flavor of foods. Though they have been removed from many items, the fats are still found in some baked goods such as pie crusts and biscuits and in ready-to-eat frostings that use the more-solid fats to keep consistency.

They also are sometimes used by restaurants for frying. Many larger chains have phased them out, but smaller restaurants may still get food containing trans fats from suppliers.

How can the government get rid of them? The FDA said it has made a preliminary determination that trans fats no longer fall in the agency’s “generally recognized as safe” category, which covers thousands of additives that manufacturers can add to foods without FDA review. Once trans fats are off the list, anyone who wants to use them would have to petition the agency for a regulation allowing it, and that would likely not be approved.

The fats are created when hydrogen is added to vegetable oil to make it more solid, which is why they are often called partially hydrogenated oils. The FDA is not targeting small amounts of trans fats that occur naturally in some meat and dairy products, because they would be too difficult to remove and aren’t considered a major public health threat on their own.

Many companies have already phased out trans fats, prompted by new nutrition labels introduced by FDA in 2006 that list trans fats and by an increasing number of local laws, like one in New York City, that have banned them. In 2011, Wal-Mart pledged to remove all artificial trans fats from the foods the company sells by 2016. Recent school lunch guidelines prevent them from being served in cafeterias.

In a statement, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg said it was his city’s 2008 ban that led to much of the change. “Our prohibition on trans fats was one of many bold public health measures that faced fierce initial criticism, only to gain widespread acceptance and support,” he said.

But support is far from universal. A nationwide poll conducted by the Pew Research Center between Oct. 30 and Nov. 6 said that of the 996 adults surveyed, 44 percent were in favor of prohibiting restaurants from using trans fats while 52 percent opposed the idea.

Still, Americans are eating much less of the fat. According to the FDA, trans fat intake among Americans declined from 4.6 grams per day in 2003 to around one gram in 2012.

A handful of other countries have banned them, including Switzerland and Denmark. Other countries have enacted strict labeling laws.

Dr. Leon Bruner, chief scientist at the Grocery Manufacturers Association, said in a statement that his group estimates that food manufacturers have voluntarily lowered the amount of trans fats in food products by 73 percent.

The group, which represents the country’s largest food companies, did not speculate on a reasonable timeline or speak to how difficult a ban might be for some manufacturers. Bruner said in a statement that “consumers can be confident that their food is safe, and we look forward to working with the FDA to better understand their concerns and how our industry can better serve consumers.”

Said FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg: “While consumption of potentially harmful artificial trans fat has declined over the last two decades in the United States, current intake remains a significant public health concern.”

Agency officials say they have been working on trans fat issues for around 15 years and have been collecting data to justify a possible phase-out since just after President Barack Obama came into office in 2009.

The advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest first petitioned FDA to ban trans fats nine years ago. The group’s director, Michael Jacobson, says the prohibition is “one of the most important lifesaving actions the FDA could take.”

“Six months or a year should be more than enough time, especially considering that companies have had a decade to figure out what to do,” Jacobson said.

Story via

Lululemon Hears You But Are They Listening?

After igniting a massive firestorm earlier in the week, Lululemon’s founder Chip Wilson issued an apology today. Chip and his wife appeared on Bloomberg TV and a number of his comments related to the brand’s troubles raised more than an eyebrow. Today’s apology reminds us all why he should never appear on camera if the company wants to continue to stay in business.


He says, “I’m sad… I’m really sad for the repercussions of my actions. I’m sad for the people of lululemon that I care so much about.”

Chip goes on to say, “I take responsibility for all that has occurred. I’m sorry to have put you all through this.” He’s sorry for what his words have caused Lululemon but he fails to apologize for his comments about the customers. In the 53 second video, not once does he apologize for what is at the heart of all of this. His comment related to Lululemon’s pats were… “they don’t work for certain some women’s bodies” and that the cause of recent pilling is “really about the rubbing through the thighs” and “how much pressure is there.”

Lululemon is in the middle of a public relations nightmare and while I’m sure the intentions were good for Chip to apologize for his asinine comments, it’s likely little will be done by issuing this video. It’s more likely to infuriate customers that the founder never owns up to his own comments and still has yet to be transparent about the quality of their product deteriorating over recents years.

We hear you.
A message from Chip Wilson.
Let’s stay in the conversation.

Via YouTube

Lululemon’s Founder Chip Wilson Says All The Wrong Things On Bloomberg TV

Lululemon’s founders, Chip and Shannon Wilson (a former designer at the company) made an appearance on Bloomberg TV. Street Smart‘s host Trish Regan interviews the duo and by the end of the segment Chip managed to alienate his core audience at lululemon… women.


The segment starts off talking about Whil, some one minute meditation technique, and moves into discussing Lululemon’s pants and their hunt for a CEO. I’ve watched the segment multiple times and I still don’t follow what “Whil” does. I’m fairly certain Chip will need to find more than a minute to meditate after this appearance.

Chip starts off trying to be funny when talking about “maximizing peeing time” and how it relates to his busy life. Something none of us need to know about. After a few more awkward moments, Regan asks, “What’s going on with the pants?”

Chip’s body language shows he’s instantly uncomfortable. He stutters a bit and says, “I think everything is possibly blown out.There’s no doubt about it we made a mistake.” That’s where he should have stopped. Instead he babbles on trying to claim that Lululemon is a “technology company” and says, “when you push technology something’s going to happen now and again.”

Listening to this, I mentally hashtag #facePalm. Seriously dude, that’s your response? Not the best answer but I continue to listen thinking he’ll redeem himself. After all he did create a multi-million dollar company by selling expensive yoga pants to mostly women.

Trish mentions there’s been complaints about the fabric pilling and Chip’s response is, “ya but there’s always been pilling.” As if Chip’s response wasn’t lame enough he says, “the thing is that women will wear seat belts that don’t work.”

Say what? Really? Then he digs a deeper hole and says, “quite frankly some women’s bodies just actually don’t work for it.”

Ah so that must be why there was an issue with the pants being see-through, right? In March, the company recalled nearly 17% of their yoga pants after they were found to bee too sheer.

The stunned host quickly asks, “They don’t work for the pants?”

Chip responds with, “they don’t work for certain some women’s bodies.”

He continues down the path of self-destruction by saying it’s “really about the rubbing through the thighs” and “how much pressure is there.”


Moving along he’s asked how Lululemon will take on competition such as Under Armour and Nike. Chip goes to the well of stupidity once again. “We may not be so much of an athletic apparel company as we are a leadership company. So we’re in the leadership development.”


He put the final nail in his coffin when he’s asked if he would take the CEO position that’s been vacant since June. “I mean quite frankly we’re maybe too wealthy now.”

Yes, great response dude.

Trish tries to bring the interview full-circle and give him a chance to save face on “whil”. She asks, “So, it’s (whil) not going to be a business opportunity, money-making opportunity? What’s the thought process on that… how do you turn it into something more?” Good old Chip stays consistently clueless by answering with… “Well, we’re brand builders for sure and we’re building a brand but right now we have a brand that sells nothing. Because our meditation is really all about nothing. So that’s as far as we’ve gone.”

Sounds like a Seinfeld episode gone terribly bad.

One look at the Lululemon’s Facebook page and you’ll see women are outraged at his comments. There’s no telling what will come of the shitstorm Chip created but one thing is for certain, he should never do another tv interview. Especially if he wants to keep selling $70+ yoga pants to women.

Nov. 5 (Bloomberg) — Whil co-founder Shannon Wilson and Lululemon founder Chip Wilson discuss their new form of meditation and Lululemon’s sheer pants problem. They speak with Trish Regan on Bloomberg Television’s “Street Smart.”
(Source: Bloomberg)

EA SPORTS UFC Cover Vote: Ronday Rousey and Miesha Tate Square off

History was made when Ronda Rousey and Liz Carmouche fought at UFC 157 in Anaheim, California. It was the first female Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) title bout and a monumental event for women’s mixed martial arts. Ronda defeated Liz to become the UFC’s first female Champion. Before Rousey battled Carmouche she squared off against Miesha Tate. The fight against Tate helped launch Ronda’s MMA career. Ronda won in convincing fashion then and she’s looking to do it again.

Miesha and Ronda are currently featured on this season of the Ultimate Fighter as opposing coaches. They’ll fight inside the octagon again at UFC 168 but before that they’re battling to grace the cover of EA SPORTS UFC game. The game will be released in the Spring of 2014 and champion Jon Jones has already solidified his spot on the cover. The online contest lets fans vote for their favorite fighters and one winner will share cover honors with Jones.





In September, EA SPORTS announced Miesha and Ronda would be in the game but help vote one of them on the cover here.


Become the Face of The World’s Largest Online Fitness Community – 2014 Bodyspace Spokesmodel Search

The annual BODYSPACE Spokesemodel Search is here once again and could be your change to represent the world’s largest online fitness community. One woman and one woman will be featured in IRONMAN magazine and grace the cover in 2014. This isn’t a “cover try”. The winners WILL BE on the cover. Along with the cover, the winners will receive a spread inside, a year’s supply of Cellucor Supplements, become a TEAM athlete and a photo shoot with IRONMAN. Magazine.


So how does it work?

There are a few rounds before you make it on the cover but it’ll be worth it.

ROUND 1 – November 4 – 18, 2014
1. Visit and fill our the registration form.
2. Submit a phot to your progress photos section in BodySpace that shows off your physique.
3. Submit a YouTube video that tells Bbcom why you should be the 2014 BodySpace Spokesmodel. (no longer than 5 minutes)

ROUND 2 – November 18 – 24, 2014
An internal committee will select 20 men and 20 women to be featured as semi-finalists. The chosen ones will be evaluated by their submissions and their BodySpace activity. If selected, will request a current photo.

ROUND 3 – November 25 – December 9, 2014
Semi-finalists will be announced for the public voting phase. This is when you bombard your family and friends on Facebook, twitter, email and send smoke signals to get their vote.

ROUND 4 – December 23
The top five men and top five women will be announced on

ROUND 5 – January 21 – January 26, 2014
This is when the fun really begins. The finalists are flow to Los Angeles, California for a photo shoot with Each finalist will receive a customized gym bag filled with gifts and Cellucor products. The finalists will compete on stage at the FIT EXPO to determine who will ultimately become the BodySpace Spokesmodels.

ROUND 6 – January 26, 2014
One woman and one man will be announced at the LA FIT EXPO. Each winner will become a Team athlete. A photo shoot with IRONMAN Magazine after the Expo, receive a cover and spread in IRONMAN, Team hook-up, a year’s supply of Cellucor supplements.

Find out more info and enter to win here. Good luck!  See our coverage from previous years here.



Have Your Cake and Feel Good Too – Gluten Free Holiday Dessert Tips

Chef Shares Tips for Gluten-Free Holiday Desserts
Have Your Cake and Feel Good, Too, Says Award-Winning Baker
If there’s one downside to fabulous, food-filled holiday celebrations, it’s the gurgles and groans of post-feasting indigestion.

“We assume it’s because we overate, but for a lot of people, that pain and sick feeling may not be about how much you ate but what you ate,” says Kyra Bussanich, (, two-time winner of The Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars” and author of a just-released recipe book, “Sweet Cravings: 50 Seductive Desserts for a Gluten-Free Lifestyle” (Ten Speed Press; Random House, Inc.)

“About 2 million Americans have celiac disease – an auto-immune reaction to gluten, the protein in wheat,” says Bussanich, whose painful symptoms became life-threatening before she was finally diagnosed with the illness. “Most of those people aren’t diagnosed though, because the symptoms look like so many other intestinal ailments.”

People with celiac disease must completely avoid gluten, which is also in rye, and barley, to avoid a case of painful and gut-damaging indigestion. But, as Harvard Medical School reported earlier this year, avoiding gluten also appears to help people with less serious digestive issues.

“It really does seem to provide some improvement in gastrointestinal problems for a segment of the population,” says Harvard assistant professor Dr. Daniel Leffler.

For Bussanich, a chef, there was no choice: One speck of gluten would make her ill. But she refused to give up pastries, cakes and other treats, so she perfected gluten-free varieties. Her award-winning desserts left their flour-based competition in crumbs on “Cupcakes Wars” in 2011 and 2012, and she was a runner-up on the show’s “Cupcake Champion.”

Bussanich offers these tips for whipping up gluten-free baked goods this holiday season:

• If you’re following a recipe, don’t substitute the listed flour or starch with another type unless you’re familiar with its properties. There are many different types of gluten-free flours and starches, including millet, sorghum and sweet white rice flour, and potato and tapioca starches. Each has its own idiosyncrasies. For example, millet flour has a slightly nutty flavor and is well-suited for goods with a hearty texture. Sweet white rice flour holds moisture well and is good for recipes that have a slight gumminess to them. Potato starch is light and good for fluffy cakes.

• Use eggs and butter at room temperature. Eggs are often used as a binder, the protein that substitutes for the missing gluten. Eggs and butter are both easier to work with when used at room temperature, and room-temperature egg whites whip up fluffier. If you forget to pull the butter out of the refrigerator beforehand, heat it for 7 to 12 seconds in the microwave. Put cold eggs in warm (not hot) water for 30 to 60 seconds.

• Don’t overwork batter and dough with xanthan gum in it. Corn-based xanthan gum is often used as a stabilizer and thickener in gluten-free baked goods, sauces, dressings and soups. Once this ingredient is added, overworking the dough can give it a slimy, gummy texture, and cause it to lose flavor. (A good substitute for xanthan gum is ground psyllium seed husk.)

• Heat higher, cream longer for lighter cakes. One complaint people sometimes have about gluten-free baked goods is that they’re too dense. To prevent this, try setting the oven temperature 25 degrees warmer than you would for flour. This will cause the butter in the recipe to release its water as steam, which helps the cake rise quickly. Also, cream eggs and butter together longer – about 10 minutes – than you would for flour cakes.

Try some gluten-free desserts and maybe your holidays will be indigestion-free this year, Bussanich says.

“If your recipe doesn’t turn out wonderfully the first time, don’t give up,” she says. “I promise you, anyone can make delicious gluten-free desserts. It just may take a little practice.”

About Kyra Bussanich
Kyra Bussanich is a two-time winner of The Food Network’s hit show, “Cupcake Wars.” She graduated with honors from Le Cordon Bleu and opened her award-winning bakery, Kyra’s Bake Shop, which features gourmet, gluten-free sweets. She has branched beyond desserts to other gluten-free goods in order to help those with celiac and other autoimmune diseases enjoy quality treats.

Image via

5 Steps To Blocking Bitstrips On Facebook

If you’re on Facebook (and who isn’t?) you’ve likely seen these strange and often creepy cartoons from your “friends”. What the hell are they? The cartoon versions of yourself and friends are from the App “Bitstrips”. Bitstrips have been around for years but it wasn’t until recently that their popularity soared. The free mobile app connects to Facebook and boasts more than 10 million monthly users.


If you’re like me you’re already tired of seeing your friends’ mood as cartoons. How do you get rid of these annoying cartoon versions of selfies without un-friending the guilty parties?

5 Steps To Blocking Bitstrips on Facebook

1. Log-in to Facebook

2. Click on the “Account Settings” icon









3. Click the “Blocking” option on the left.








4. Scroll down to the “Block Apps”


5. Type in “Bitstrips” and kiss their cartoon ass good-bye.









Share these five steps with your friends. Thank you and you’re welcome.



U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team Vs. Brazil

The United States Women’s National Soccer Team will face Brazil on Sunday, November 10, 2013.  15,000 tickets  have been sold for the event. If you’re unable to attend the match in person you can watch the stream live on Follow all the action on twitter with the hashtags #USAvBRA and #USWNT. Follow @ussoccer_wnt for up-to-the-minute updates from U.S. Women’s National Team.


CHICAGO (Nov. 5, 2013) –
U.S. Women’s National Team head coach Tom Sermanni has named 18 players to the roster that will face Brazil on Nov. 10 at the Florida Citrus Bowl in Orlando, Fla., in a match that will be broadcast on NBC at 3:30 p.m. ET. Fans can also follow all the matches live online via’s MatchTracker and Twitter @ussoccer_wnt.

Tickets are on sale through, by phone at 1-800-745-3000 and at all Ticketmaster ticket centers throughout Central Florida (including many Walmart locations), as well as the Amway Center ticket office (open Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.) [Note: Tickets are not sold at the Florida Citrus Bowl except on the day of the event.] Groups of 20 or more can obtain an order form at or call 312-528-1290.

Although the majority of the roster is made up of players who played in the USA’s recently completed October friendly matches, Sermanni did name uncapped goalkeeper Alyssa Naeher of the Boston Breakers as well as midfielders Amber Brooks and Erika Tymrak, who are both playing in Germany with Bayern Munich. Tymrak has one cap, earned on Sept. 3 of this year against Mexico. Brooks, a highly experienced player at the USA’s Youth National Team level, is looking for her first senior team game after training with the USA for the first time last April when the squad was in Germany and June when the USA was in Toronto.

In addition, 19-year-old forward Lindsey Horan gets her second call-up to the senior team after earning her first cap at the Algarve Cup last March. Horan made history by being the first American woman to skip college and sign a professional contract in Europe, and she is currently playing in France with Paris Saint-Germain. She has five goals in seven appearances so far this season and scored 17 goals in 20 games last year. Horan is still age-eligible for the 2014 FIFA U-20 Women’s World Cup and is expected to be a key player on that squad when it attempts to qualify for that tournament.

U.S. Women’s National Soccer Team v. Brazil
Florida Citrus Bowl, Orlando, FL
Sun, Nov 10, 2013 03:30 PM

Ticket Limit: There is a six (6) ticket limit for On-Field and Front Row seats. All fans age 2 and older must have a ticket to enter the stadium.

Sermanni also recalled defender Stephanie Cox, who was with the USA for the match against Australia in San Antonio on Oct. 20 but did not play. Cox, a veteran of two Women’s World Cup Teams (2007, 2011) and one Olympic Team (2008) had her first child on April 7 and returned to the field for the end of the inaugural NWSL season to play four games for Seattle Reign FC.

The match will be the USA’s first visit to Orlando and the Citrus Bowl since May 22, 1999, when the Americans also played Brazil. That 3-0 U.S. victory featured Mia Hamm scoring her 108th career goal to break what was at the time the international scoring record. More than 14,000 tickets have been sold for the Nov. 10 match, which will be the first meeting between the world’s top-ranked U.S. team and fourth-ranked Brazil since a 3-0 victory for the USA in Chiba, Japan, in April of 2012.

U.S. Women’s National Team Roster – Detailed Roster
GOALKEEPERS (3): 18-Nicole Barnhart (FC Kansas City), 28-Alyssa Naeher (Boston Breakers), 1-Hope Solo (Seattle Reign FC)
DEFENDERS (6): 16-Rachel Buehler (Portland Thorns FC), 14-Stephanie Cox (Seattle Reign FC), 8-Kristie Mewis (FC Kansas City), 3-Christie Rampone (Sky Blue FC), 26-Leigh Ann Robinson (FC Kansas City), 4-Becky Sauerbrunn (FC Kansas City)
MIDFIELDERS (6): 7-Yael Averbuch (unattached), 22-Amber Brooks (Bayern Munich), 12-Lauren Holiday (FC Kansas City), 10-Carli Lloyd (WNY Flash), 9-Heather O’Reilly (Boston Breakers), 23-Erika Tymrak (Bayern Munich)
FORWARDS (4): 25-Lindsey Horan (Paris Saint Germain), 2-Sydney Leroux (Boston Breakers), 13-Alex Morgan (Portland Thorns FC), 20-Abby Wambach (WNY Flash)

Additional Notes:
• A victory against Brazil would give the USA its second undefeated year in which it has played double-figures in matches. The first was 2006, when the team went 18-0-4.
The U.S. WNT is 12-0-3 in 2013.

• Fourteen of the players called up to face Brazil were on the roster for the USA’s two-game set against New Zealand at the end of October.

• The four players who were with the USA in October that are currently playing for Swedish club Tyresö – Ali Krieger, Meghan Klingenberg, Christen Press and Whitney Engen — are unavailable due to UEFA Champions League Round of 16 matches against Fortuna Hjørring of Denmark on Nov. 9 and 14.

• Midfielder Megan Rapinoe is also unavailable as her club Lyon of France will face German power Turbine Potsdam of Berlin on Nov. 10 and 14.

• Sixteen of the 19 players played in the NWSL last season.

• Stephanie Cox last played in a WNT match on April 3, 2012, a 3-0 victory against Brazil in Chiba, Japan.

• U.S. captain Christie Rampone is currently the second most-capped player in U.S. history and the most-capped active player in the world with 286 career games played.

• Abby Wambach is the world’s all-time leading international scorer and will come into the Brazil match with 162 career goals. She has scored six career goals against Brazil.

News Story and more information:

Why Muscle Milk is Worth Mega Millions

Cytosport Inc. is a sports nutrition company founded by the father son team of Greg and Michael Pickett. The company created the popular protein drink Muscle Milk in 2000 and has become one of the leading supplement brands in the world. Last week the Wall Street Journal reported that the owners of Muscle Milk were looking to sell off the popular brand for an astonishing $500 million. The story by the WSJ has not been confirmed and there’s no indications that it will come to fruition. If it does, it will be one of the biggest deals in sports nutrition history. There are many things going for Muscle Milk and why they’re worth the reported millions.

It started as a powder in 2000 and has extended into bars, oatmeal and ready-to-drinks. There’s a variety of lines within each of these categories… Muscle Milk Light, Monster Milk, Pro Series and even a collegiate brand. When brands extend into other categories they often lose their voice and miss the mark. They’ve managed to keep the same flavor and brand integrity with each product. Having tried a number of products I can attest to their flavor but the oatmeal didn’t tickle my tastebuds.

Muscle Milk has reached “main stream” appeal… a goal most companies strive to achieve. Reality TV stars like JWOWW from the Jersey Shore have been seen drinking Muscle Milk and Lady Gaga requests it on her tour rider. Muscle Milk has attracted people who simply want a healthier lifestyle. Hosting events like events the Muscle Milk Fitness Retreat and creating Evolveâ„¢ has helped them build an audience beyond athletes. Their partnerships with colleges across the country help build their brand with student athletes. It’s easy to understand why Forbes named them one of the 25 Most Innovative Consumer and Retail Brands. They’re also not afraid to have fun with the brand as evident in this Thanksgiving spot.

Occasionally, supplement companies get a bad rap for their ingredients and “tainted” products. Cytosport prides itself on being free of banned substances and in 2007 received NSF certification. That plays into why Muscle Milk is one of the largest brands in the protein category and has outlasted many “cool” brands. They manufacture their own powder products at the company headquarters in Benicia, California and the facility is inspected and regulated by the FDA. That’s not to say they’re immune from litigation. The faced a lawsuit allegedly certain products contained lead, cadmium, and/or arsenic. CytoSport denied these claims and responded with independent testing. As stated on, “The Court did not rule in favor of plaintiffs or CytoSport. Instead, the parties agreed to a settlement to avoid the expense and risks of continuing the lawsuits.”

The company had success with athlete endorsements over the years but also know what it’s like to have athletes that don’t live up to company standards. They were early endorsers of NFL stars like Clay Matthews and Adrian Peterson. Basketball’s lovable Shaquille O’neal helped them launch Mighty Milk and they’ve been a player in the motorsports world with their own team. On the flip side, they wisely cut ties with New England Patriots Aaron Hernandez when he was arrested on murder charges. They had an endorsement deal with baseball’s Ryan Braun, winner of the won the 2011 National League’s most valuable player award, until he had a positive drug test. Muscle Milk’s current athlete roster is an impressive mix of men and women. It includes baseball’s three-time All-Star Clayton Kershaw, snowboarding pioneer, Olympic silver medalist and four-time X Games gold medalist Gretchen Bleiler, Chicago Bears running back Matt Forte and many others.

No company is flawless however when the people behind it are passionate about it, you can count on it being successful. Only time will tell if Muscle Milk will be sold to another company but regardless of who owns it you can count on the brand being found at convenient stores, Costco, Walmart, gyms and online for years to come.

7 Lessons From The Cheese Graterhead Guys

If you’re a fan of the National Football League (NFL) you know the Greenbay Packers and Chicago Bears are long-time rivals. Their fans are some of the most passionate and loyal in the league. Dating back to the late 80s, Greenbay fans have been sporting “cheese heads” to show their team support. The cheese wedge hats, made of foam, are a sense of team pride and worn by Packer fans young and old. Cheesehead nation had no foe that was until Monday Night. It was then we met their match… The Graterhead.

monday night football bears fans cheese graterheads
ESPN highlighted the making of the foam Cheeseheads and showed hundreds of fans wearing them during the Monday Night Football game. After the cheesehead spotlight, the camera pans to three guys wearing cheese graters on their heads as booth announcer, Jon Gruden says, “You know what I’d wear as a Bears fan? I’d wear a shredder… I’d shred some cheese.” Gruden laughs and says, “I’ll tell you what… where do you find 3 people wearing a shredder? I love that shot right there. I’m going to get 3 of those.”

The three people wearing “the shredder” (as Gruden referred to it) are passionate Chicago Bears fans from Boise, Idaho. Dean Donlon, Seth Neal and Jeran Dahlquist. The shredder is officially called “Graterhead” and their appearance on Monday Night Football has football fans buzzing. The trio have been quietly sporting their new headgear since the start of the NFL season but once they appeared on national television the secret was out. They were there to dispose of the almighty Cheesehead once and for all.

Who are these guys and what can we learn from them?

Jeran Dalhquist, a graphic designer and BEARS fanatic, came up with the idea of the anti-cheesehead while watching a Chicago Bears game. He bounced the notion off Donlon and Neal, also BEARS fanatics, and they all agreed it had to come to life.

1. Share Your Dreams
The Graterhead is one of those things you see and think, how has this not been done before? It’s likely someone thought about a cheese grater as an answer to the Cheesehead at some point over the past 15 plus years but never acted on it. If they did they’ll be kicking themselves now. When Jeran had the idea he shared it with trusted friends. Note the key word… trusted. Don’t waste your time sharing your dreams and ideas with people you don’t know or trust.

2. Make Your Dream A Reality
How many times have you had an idea or dreamt about doing something but never acted on it? Chances are pretty good it has happened more than once. The Graterhead guys took their crazy idea and made it a reality. They did this by not just talking about the dream of owning their own company and shutting Packers fans up but acting on it.

3. Have Something to Sell
In this case it’s obvious, the Graterhead is the product but it goes beyond a piece of foam on your head. Cheeseheads are instantly identified as Packers fans. The foam block of cheese upon the noggins of young and old creates a sense of community, fellowship and an un-spoken bond. Cool for the fans of the yellow and green but often annoying for everyone else. Now there’s a solution, fans can display their distain for Greenbay football by sporting the Graterhead.


4. Know Your Audience
The Graterhead may seem like a novelty item but guess what? So is the Cheesehead. I’m betting the creator of the Cheesehead could care-less about what you call it as he cashes his cheese checks. The Graterhead is a product that by itself would be pretty silly and pretty meaningless. When it’s positioned as the anti-cheesehead it takes on new meaning and becomes viable. Now every team that Greenbay faces becomes your target audience.

5. Take Risks
Dean, Seth and Jeran knew they were taking a big risk by creating the Graterhead. It meant coming up with the design, filing patents, creating and producing it. Those things require money and time. Two things most of us are short on. Any time you do something new, there is a risk involved but without the risk, there’s no reward.

6. Have a Plan
The Graterhead Guys knew they were entering enemy territory on Monday Night. Lambeau field would have thousands of Cheeseheads in attendance and would serve as the perfect setting to unveil the Graterhead. They didn’t just happen to show up in Green Bay with foam cheese graters on their heads, they planned it.

7. Generate Buzz
The guys posted photos on their Facebook page before the game and arrived at the stadium early. Dean was spotted by an Associated Press photographer and the image of showed up on yahoo sports. Chicago sports reporter Sarah Spain retweeted an image of a fan wearing the Graterhead before the game and twitter started buzzing. Let it be known that I sent the picture to Sarah but that’s part of generating buzz… enabling your network of family and friends who are influencers.

When you’re seen on tv it’s one thing, but when the announcers talk about you it takes things another level. Once the image was shown on TV sites like the Huffington Post and took notice. Facebook Fan Pages like Chicago Bears Nation posted the images and it resulted in thousands of shares.

SBNation wrote about them but after realizing their stance was pretty lame, the writer endorsed them.

The Graterhead guys remind us that no dream is too crazy and until you act on it, you’ll never know what could happen.

Lead image via ESPN tv. Gallery images via Graterhead Facebook.

2013 IFBB Kentucky Pro Figure Preview & Competitor List

The 2013 IFBB Kentucky Pro is the second-to-last show on the calendar for the Pro Figure division. The winner will head to the 2014 Olympia and those finishing in second through fifth will collect points in the ongoing Olympia Point Series. The judges will have their hands full with a variety of physiques in this year’s Kentucky line up. There’s no clear cut favorite heading into the show and it sets things up to be a bit more interesting to watch play out.


Dana Ambrose has found success since turning pro and a perennial top five finisher. She’ll likely be in the coveted first callout and looking to return to the Olympia stage. Krista Dunn continues to refine and streamline her physique in the pro ranks. She’s coming off a third place finish at 2013 Houston Pro and will undoubtedly bring a better look than her 2012 version at this contest. Francine Sablan will be one to watch in the line up. She found success straight out of the gate in her pro debut by winning the 2012 Tournament of Champions. She hit a wall against the big dogs at the Olympia and was relegated to 16th. She bounced back with a fifth place finish at the 2013 California State. If she’s on point with her conditioning look for her to be in the top spots. Chelsey Morgenstern always seems to fair well at this show and it’s one of the few shows she competes in each year. She’s coming off a 10th place finish at the Chicago Pro earlier this year. She’s finished in second at this contest the last two years. Natalie Waples has been up and down in her placings and tends to fair better in shows like the Kentucky Pro. She’s coming off a 16th place finish at the Olympia but don’t be too surprised if she’s in the first callout at Saturday’s prejudging.

My sleeper pick to shake things up in this show is Vera Mallet. She’ll be making her pro debut after taking top honors at the 2013 NPC Jr Nationals. She has incredible shape and if she added just a bit of width to her back from June she could be compared for a top spot. Remember her name because she’ll have a physique you remember from this show.

Newly added to the list (darn rookies always late to the game) is Alicia Coates. Alicia turned pro at the 2013 NPC Jr Nationals and should have a solid pro debut this weekend. She has a nice look and if she comes in tight in her lower half should be a top contender.

2013 IFBB Kentucky Pro Figure Competitor List:
• Dana Ambrose
• Jennifer Brown
• Alicia Coates
• Krista Dunn
• Tiana Gonzalez
• Devin Hockensmith
• Candice Houston
• Sandie Kight
• Monica Labriola
• Georgina Lona
• Vera Mallet
• Kaylen Manier
• Kimberly Moore
• Chelsey Morgenstern
• Melanise Pettee
• Tracy Redding
• Francine Sablan
• Shala Singer
• Laura Sutter
• Bojana Vasiljevic
• Natalie Waples

2013 IFBB IRON GAMES Pro Bikini Preview & Competitor List

The 2013 IFBB Iron Games Pro Bikini is one of the last remaining shows on the calendar. The competitors are looking to punch their ticket to the 2014 Olympia with a win and the odds are improved for them at this show. The show has just 11 women in the line up, this after thirty women competed in Sacramento. It makes you wonder why more from that show aren’t jumping at the opportunity to compete in this one.


If we’re playing the odds on this contest you have to go with Jessica Arevalo and Noy Alexander as your leading ladies in this contest. They both finished in the top spots last week at the Sacramento Pro and should be in the top spots again this weekend. Jessica has a nice look but her posing can often hinder it. If she’s relaxed, smiles and is poised she’ll be a top three contender. Noy has found a winning look for her and if she brings the same look she did from last week, it will come down to judges’ preference. Look for her to be compared for the win. Candice Conroy might have something to say about that though. She’s always found success in Souther California shows and don’t bet against her doing well once again. Candice, Jessica and Noy are your odds-on favorites for the top three in this show. Unless they come in way off or someone else brings their best you can look for this trio to pose it out for the win.

Jessica James made her pro debut last weekend with a lackluster placing and finished in the dreaded tied for 16th. If she comes in just a bit tighter and wears a different colored sued from the yellow, she’ll be a contender. I like her look and she has faired well in California shows as an amateur. Nikola Weiterova will make the trip from Slovakia in hopes of cracking the top spots. She’s steadily improved but has yet to crack the top five in the USA since winning at the Arnold Amateur in 2012. Belinda Kiriakou quietly made her pro debut last week at the Iowa Pro and finished in sixth. The lone representative of Canada has a great physique and should be a top five contender.

1. Noy Alexander
2. Jessica Arevalo
3. Candice Conroy
4. Jennifer Dietrick
5. Karey Grabow
6. Jennifer Hohnbaum
7. Jessica James
8. Belinda Kiriakou
9. Stacey Naito
10. Ronda Porter
11. Nikola Weiterova

*Narmin Assria, Lisa Kelly Valdez, Taylor Matheny Bentson, Janelle Saitone-McGuire were added after the initial preview. Narmin is coming off a win at the Iowa Pro and certainly could shake things up in the top spots.



Prejudging – 11am
Finals – 6:30pm

Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium – Culver City, CA

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Visit for tickets and more.

ASICS Treadmill Challenge: Can You Keep Pace with An Elite Marathoner?

Th ING New York Marathon takes place on Sunday, November 3 and ASICS created an interactive way for fans to see what it might be like to run in the shoes of America’s fastest marathoner. As the fastest American male marathoner, Ryan Hall runs an average of 4:46 a mile. ASICS custom-built a treadmill to run at Ryan’s exact speed for The Treadmill Challenge. The treadmill was placed on the back of a truck and participants are harnessed in for safety. Once the timer starts it’s go time!


How long do you think you could keep Ryan’s pace? Keep in mind this is his pace for 26.2 miles. This is a great idea from ASICS!

Good luck to all who are running in the event. Learn more about the marathon at and visit ASICS America for more on their NY Marathon coverage

Amanda Latona and Noy Alexander Victorious at 2013 Sacramento Pro

The 2013 Sacramento Pro Bikini had a huge turnout with 30 women in the open division. Up until this show there was only an open division in the bikini pro ranks. The Masters Pro division was added for the first time and it was met with mixed reviews. Some feel there should be no separation of age, you’re either good enough to win as a pro or not. Others would argue having a Masters division provides a more even playing field in the division, especially in Bikini. The inaugural masters pro event had 16 women in the lineup.


Heading into the event the odds on favorite was Amanda Latona from Las Vegas, Nevada. She’d won this event the last three years and was coming off a sixth place finish at the Olympia. Latona edged out Tawna Eubanks by one point for the win. Amanda has one of the best physiques in the division however her posing isn’t always the most flattering. It’s hard to argue there’s anything “wrong” when she continues to win but it’s not a look that works for every competitor. Check out the pics on to see what I mean. Tawna Eubanks looked her best of the year and had to settle for the brides maid spot for the second year in a row. This was her second runner-up finish in a row but puts her in lead for the 2014 Olympia Point Series. Jessica Arevalo matched her finish from 2013 as well in third place. Sarah LeBlanc continued to make her presence known in the top five by finishing fourth. Noy Alexander was at her best and finished in fifth.

1. Amanda Latona
2. Tawna Eubanks
3. Jessica Arevalo
4. Sarah LeBlanc
5. Noy Alexander
6. Rosemary Valenzuela
7. Ashley Pfaff
8. Katherine Williams
9. Maureen Doherty
10. Janelle Saitone-McGuire
11. Angela Skeels
12. Karey A Grabow
13. Lisa Kelly
14. Joy Grajo
15. Liana Hamilton
16. Jennifer Burger
16. Theresa Byrne
16. Iveth Carreon
16. Diana Harbort
16. Jessica James
16. Michelle Johnson
16. Jessica Landry
16. Marisol Lara
16. Lezley Lockhart
16. Kelly Lopez
16. Michelle Mein
16. Stacey Naito
16. Camile Periat
16. Ronda Porter

The first IFBB Master’s Pro Bikini title went to Noy Alexander. The Masters division is open to all pros 35 years of age and older. At this show competitors were allowed to enter both the open and masters event. Future events may force competitors to choose one or the other but that has yet to be determined. Noy presented one of her best looks as a pro and it paid off. Rosemary Valenzuela finished in second and was one place behind Noy in the Open. She competed in Sacramento as an amateur earlier this year and went on to earn pro status at Masters Nationals. Maureen Doherty rounded out the top three.

1. Noy Alexander
2. Rosemary Valenzuela
3. Maureen Doherty
4. Lisa Kelly
5. Ronda Porter
6. Iveth Carreon
7. Michelle Mein
8. Liana Hamilton
9. Jennifer Burger
10. Stacey Naito
11. Lezley Lockhart
12. Diana Harbort
13. Jessica Landry
14. Michelle Johnson
15. Kristie Winter
16. Michelle Hutton

2014 IFBB Pro League Contest Schedule Announced

The IFBB Pro League release the 2013 schedule and it’s jam packed with shows. The 2014 Olympia moves ahead by one week and a few shows have also changed their dates. A number of Bikini shows have been added and fans outside of the USA will have an opportunity to see more events. The year officially kicks off the first weekend of February with a new pro bikini show in Las Vegas, Nevada. The Arnold Classic will serve as the big event for most divisions. The Arnold Rio is back and should be a great event in its second year.


The most notable change is the Dallas Europa which has been held in August for years. Due to a scheduling conflict with the venue the event moves to May. This could be a great opportunity for fans to see competitors make a run at a few shows as it falls between the Pittsburgh Pro and the New York Pro. There are 5 female bodybuilding events on the schedule despite the division being dropped from the Arnold Classic. Leading the way in contest is the bikini division with 30 events. Fitness has nine shows on the schedule which is great to see.

This is only a preliminary schedule and the most recent schedule is always available at

Number of 2014 IFBB Shows by Division:
• Men’s Bodybuilding – 19
• 212 Men’s bodybuilding – 11
• Men’s Physique – 20
• Women’s Bodybuilding – 5
• Fitness – 9
• Figure – 20
• Bikini – 30
• Women’s Physique – 19

February 1st
Las Vegas, Nevada

Feb 28‐March 1st
Columbus, Ohio

March 7‐8
Melbourne, Australia

March 8th
Culver City, California


March 8th
St. Louis, Missouri

March 28-29th
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Masters Bikini

March 29th
Sacramento, California
Masters Figure

April 11‐12th
Orlando, Florida

April 12th
Culver City, California

April 25‐26th
Rio deJaneiro, Brasil

April 25th
Bellevue, Washington

Santa Susana, Spain

May 3rd
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

May 3‐4th
Zilina, Slovakia

May 9‐10th
Dallas, Texas

May 16-17th
Birmingham, United Kingdom


May 17th
New York, New York

May 24th
Culver City, California

May 24th
Shreveport, Louisiana

May 30‐31st
Toronto, Canada

May 31st
Denver, Colorado

JUNE 7th
Omaha, Nebraska

June 7th

June 20-21st
New Orleans, Louisiana

July 5th
Las Vegas, Nevada

July 4‐5th
Chicago, Illinois


July 11-12th
San Jose, California

July 12th
San Diego, California

August 2nd

August 9th
Culver City, California

August 8‐9th
Tampa, Florida

August 16th
Dallas, Texas

August 23rd
St.Louis, Missouri

September 19‐20th
Las Vegas, Nevada

September 26th‐27th
Madrid, Spain

September 27th

October 1st
Dubai, UAE

October 4th
San Diego, California

October 4th
Prague, Czech Republic

October 11th
Lahti, Finland

October 18th
Culver City, California

October 18th
Fort Lauderdale, Florida

October 25th
Zhengzhou, China

October 25‐26th
Phoenix, Arizona

October 30th-November 1st
Sacramento, California

November 8th
Louisville, Kentucky

November 8th
Davenport, Iowa

November 8th
Culver City, California

November 14-15th
Mesa, Arizona

November 14‐15th
Tijuana, Mexico

November 28-30th

November 28‐29th
Santa Barbara, California

Narmin Nabs Win At Iowa Pro

The women of the IFBB Pro Bikini division had a busy November opener. Two pro shows were held on Saturday, November 2nd. The Iowa Pro and the Sacramento Pro we showcased some of the best physiques in the country. The Iowa Pro wasn’t the deepest line-up with 12 competitors but that didn’t stop it from being competitive. The pro show was held in conjunction with a large NPC show. Promoter Jack Titone continues to build up a strong presence in the Midwest with his shows.


Heading into the show the smart money was on the show being between Narmin Assria and Lacey Deluca. The two have finished the highest of anyone else in the group and competed at the Olympia. In the end, Narmin prevailed and punched her ticket back to the Olympia stage. Lacey notched her third top two finish since the 2013 Olympia. She matched her finish at the Sheru Classic and was already qualified with her win at the Houston Pro. Dayna Maleton continues to hold her own in the top three and has one of the best physiques in the division, at least in my opinion. The Colorado gals rounded out the top five with Crystal Green in fourth and Sandi Forsythe in fifth.

1. Narmin Assria
2. Lacey Deluca
3. Dayna Maleton
4. Crystal Green
5. Sandi Forsythe
6. Belinda Kiriakou
7. Joanne Holden
8. Michelle Capraru
9. Michon Leddy
10. Simone Sinclaire
11. Aja Maximillian
12. Christy Cook

Lead photo courtesy of Dan Ray /

Disclaimer: Reader discretion advised, please consult your physician before beginning any exercise or diet program.